February 25

Good Morning.

I guess I better get something out before the end of the month. It has been relatively quiet month with some very cold weather and some unusual warm weather. 

I have been out looking for owls a few times and will send some photos once I process them.

In the meantime I have been working on a book. We have been travelling to Central America since 1992. Initially, it was to fuel our passion for windsurfing and photography was secondary. But over time, photography has become the primary focus. I have recorded seeing 412 species of birds in Central America, but I am sure that we have seen more. From Mexico to Panama, over 1,500 species of birds can be found.

I have decided to put together a book highlighting each of the species I have photographed. As you will see in the photographs, some of the birds are very hard to see, and we only caught glimpses through branches and leaves or off in the distance.

The photos are arranged in taxonomic order by family. As I process more, I may break this into volumes of 50 to make it easier to view.

Go to Birds, Birds, Birds on this website to see the images.

Stay Well !


February 28


January 25