October 27
Good Morning
Yesterday , I was fortunate to photograph a Few Sparrow in Edmonton. Fox Sparrows are large sparrows that hang out on the ground, kicking up dirt and leaves looking for food.
There are four sub-species of Fox Sparrow, three of which are found in Canada. The bird I saw yesterday was a Taiga or Red.
They breed all across Northern Canada and winter in Florida. There are normally one or two that spend the winter in Edmonton, however they are quite secretive and hard to see out in the open. I have been looking for the past couple of years and this is the first one I have captured.
The other sub-species found in Alberta is the Interior West or Slate-colored. It is found in the interior mountains of B.C. and Alberta at higher elevations and winters on the California coast. We have seen them in Sunshine Meadows in Banff and on a high pass near West Castle in southern Alberta
The third sub-species is the Pacific or Sooty. They breed on the west coast of British Columbia and Alaska and winter on the coast from southern B.C to California. They are the easiest ones to find if you are in that area.
The last sub-species is the California or Thick-billed. It resides in California. That one is still on my target lists.
Stay well !