May 10
Good Afternoon
Who knew World Bird Day would lead to me missing a daily report! I hope no one panicked.
Connor and I had a very long day and managed to see 83 species of birds. Which I think it pretty good. As a benchmark, my best previous day was 82 species and that was in Panama with a guide.
We learned a lot and have an optimized plan ready for next year based on lots of engineering analysis of the eBird data submitted by others. Maybe 100 next year!
I had planned my World Bird Day post on Friday. It features the Cattle Egret. This iconic bird is found all over the world. It doesn’t often make it into Canada but I have seen it in lots of different countries.
It sits on the cattle, horses, cape buffalo or whatever, waiting for them to kick up some grub with their feet. Then it hops down and grabs it.
Stay well !