April 5

Good Evening

We enjoyed a spring break vacation in the Tucson area last week. It was our first time visiting down there and it is a very interesting place. Saguaro cactus line the valley floors and you can travel from “Mexico to Canada” in 45 minutes by driving up Mt. Lemmon to 9500 ft. There is a ski hill at the top off the mountain.

The birding in the area is very habitat specific. Birds are very tuned to their environment and you must visit all types of habitats to see them. We visited the desert, cottonwood groves along small streams and canyons in the “sky islands” (mountains)

We managed to find 140 species in the seven days we were there. I had 35 lifers and 55 lifers for Connor. Pretty good for a week.

Here is a sample of a few birds that we saw.

Stay Well !


April 6


March 19