April 19

Good Evening

The early migrant as are the larger birds like geese and ducks. And in parts of the prairies, sandhill cranes.

I went to Forestburg , a little over two hours southeast of Edmonton on Sunday night to capture the cranes in the evening and morning. Photographing them during the heat of the day is a challenge ass heat waves rise off the warming prairie soil causing distortion in the images. There were over 10,000 sandhill cranes in the area. It was impressive to see such large flocks.

I am calling this series of photos my cruise control series because they were all taken at one shutter speed: 1/60 second. This a slow shutter speed for photographing moving animals and results in a lot of blurring. The challenge is to pan with the birds so they appear in focus while the rest of the image is out of focus. This realists in a large number ion throw away images as it is hard to do.

Here are some that mostly worked.
Stay Well !

Click on photos to see full size


May 29


April 7