June 10

Good Afternoon

Yesterday, we went to Sheryl’s parent’s farm. As we entered the drive, we saw a coyote running down the road and then it went into the field. Then we saw a white tailed deer do the same thing. We watched them and discovered the deer was chasing the coyote! It chased it all the way across the field about 1/2 mile before disappearing into the trees.

One can only assume it was protecting its young.

So today’s post will feature that deer and a different coyote. 

I saw this coyote at Coyote Lake on Monday (go figure). I was in the forest reserve and it was on the adjacent ranch land. Things were in my favor as the wind was blowing about 20 kph towards me and I was about ten feet in behind heavy brush. That made it more difficult for the coyote to smell, hear or see me so I was able to follow along side it for about 10 minutes. During that time it successfully hunted four voles. At one point it was only about thirty feet away when it heard me move. But it looked the wrong way so I remained undetected. This was by far my closest encounter with a coyote. Most of the time I photograph them from the SUV. It is very different being on the ground beside them.Stay Well!


June 11


June 9