July 1
Good Morning and Happy Canada Day
It is a rainy day in Edmonton but we will still enjoy our day!
This week I went out to Beaverhill Lake. The Franklin’s Gulls were busy feeding above a farmers field. These gulls are very common in the prairies and known as “Prairie Doves”.
They follow the farmers as they work their fields and feed on the insects that are disturbed. You can sometimes see hundreds following behind a tractor.
This day, they they were flying parallel to a road and the sun was at my back so I had lots of opportunities to try different things.
The first to images were captured at 1/2000 sec. This freezes the motion.
The last image was taken at 1/100 sec and requires panning to get a shot in focus. This means that you have to track the bird and match the speed of the bird with the speed of your pan in order to get a sharp shot with a very blurry background.
Needless to say, it takes a lot of shots to get one good one.
The sun moving in and out from behind the clouds results in different shades of green.
Stay well and enjoy the day.