July 4

Good Afternoon and Happy 4th of July

Oops… I added the Hermit Thrush song to yesterdays image of a Swainson’s Thrush. I have been inundated  by a plethora of emails exclaiming alarm at such an oversight!!! The integrity of the Covid Report has been compromised. Cries of "Fake News” echoed across the birding world! Oh my!

Actually, I realized soon after I hit the send button by looking at the visual representation of the call. My eyesight is apparently better than my hearing. And I did get one gentle enquiry suggesting perhaps I made an error.

Anyways, I have checked through my recordings library and discovered I don’t have a Swainson’s Thrush recording to share. So I will endeavor to get one to share with you.

Today I will move away from birds to give myself some time to recover my birding wits and share picture from Botswana.

On our first evening game drive, our guide informed us that two young male lions had killed a kudu a couple of days earlier and still feeding off the kill. So we worked our way in our Land Cruiser toward the kill sight. We could smell it long before we could see it. There are some things you can’t capture on film!

The two lions were lazing by the kill with fat bellies. Our vehicle was able to approach quite closely and we watched as one of the lions had a snack.

Connor and I are off camping around Waterton National Park tomorrow so we will be restricted in emails for about 9 days.

Stay well and enjoy the hopefully warm weather.


July 17


July 3