May 9

Good Morning

On April 24, I drove to Forestburg about 2 1/2 hours from Edmonton to see the Sandhill Crane migration Thousands of crane stop over there are their migration to northern Alberta and the Arctic.

I chose to stay overnight at a local hotel. That allowed me to photograph them in the evening and morning light.

I knew from a trip I took down to New Mexico to see them on there wintering grounds, that the cranes and geese congregate in water during the night for safety. So I searched the area after dark to find out where they were and then arrived an hour before sunset.

Just as in New Mexico, The geese took off in one huge flock just as the sun crested the horizon. The cranes took of in small groups over the next hour and relocated in the surrounding fields.

I have a lot of images to share from that trip . I will start with a few of the cranes. In some images, they are dancing. They have a very elaborate mating dance that is very fun to see.

Stay Well


May 11


May 8