Each spring the prairies come alive with the return of the winged migrants to their breeding grounds in Canada. In the grasslands, trees are far and few between so fences and power poles become the local broadcasting stations. In May 2019, Kelly Detheridge and I travelled to south-eastern Alberta and south-western Saskatchewan, in search of the endangered swift foxes. Alas, we were not successful in finding them. I am sometimes asked how long I will search for a animal or wait for a bird to show up. The reality is that many days I come home empty handed. While I do get excited and have an adrenaline rush when I find some long sought after species and manage to get a great photo, I am also quite content to have spent time wandering about enjoying the spectacular nature that is around me. And even better yet is when I get to share it with my friends and family. This trip served up miles of endless beauty and was filled with the solitude of the open grassland prairies. We would see only a few other vehicles each day and spend hours by ourselves with nature. And the fences delivered the goods!


Tanagers and Allies


Mission Impossible: Long Lake Adventure !