August 9

Good Morning

One of the highlights this year was finding a Yellow-breasted Chat. It was special in two regards. Firstly, it was a lifer for Connor and I. (meaning it was the first time in our lives that we have seen it.) We have been looking for it in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan since 2015.

Secondly, it is the 24th breeding warbler that we have seen in Alberta this year. To the best of our knowledge, there are only 24 breeding regularly breeding warblers in Alberta. Two other warblers that have been seen in Alberta this year are the Northern Parula and the Nashville Warbler. But they are not known to be regular breeders. We might get to see the Nashville Warbler as it  migrates though Alberta from the Arctic this fall. Unlikely we will see the Northern Parula as the two that have been seen are considered vagrants (not normally found) in Alberta, so finding one is more a matter of luck or driving like a fool to where someone has seen one and hope it is still there. I  only did that once this year to try to see a Red-headed woodpecker in Calgary. But that was also a trip to see my Mom for the first time since the covid lock-down. I saw her but not the bird. It is obvious which was more important.

Speaking of my Mom, she and a friend were sitting outside their apartment in Calgary a week ago when they heard a magpie making a racket. They looked around and saw a bobcat walking down their street.

Stay well


August 11


August 7