March 4

Here are a few images from yesterday’s trip. The image of the owl landing on the fence post is one I have been working to get this winter. Last year Connor got the shot head on. I am getting closer but not quite there yet.

I know there have been a lot of Great Grey Owl shots this winter. It has been a different year from the past. Short-eared owls, which are normal abundant, have been very scare with only a couple of sightings near Edmonton. Snowy Owls are less regular than normal but are around if you really work for them. Great Horned Owls are as abundant as normal. Northern Hawk-owls are always scarce with a couple of locations a year. But the Great Grey Owls seem to be everywhere. I have seen close to 20 this year in the Edmonton area. Last year,I found only three.. And Northern Saw-whet owls are being heard everywhere during the night but they are hard to find during the day.

I was speaking to a friend of mine who related a story about seeing a Whooping Crane at the protected wintering grounds in Texas. When they spotted the first bird, the guide said ” Enjoy this, it may be the only one you see.”

I have adopted that philosophy with the Great Grey Owls. I am going to enjoy them this year, who knows what next year will be like.

Stay well!


March 5


March 3