March 18

Today is the one year anniversary of the Covid Daily Report ! As is my practice with this report, I will refrain on commenting on Covid related items, however we are thankful that no-one we know has been taken by this terrible disease.

Today is our 32 Wedding Anniversary ! Sheryl and the kids have planned a surprise for this evening. Can’t wait!

And today is the unveiling of my new website. I created the website as a place to archive these daily reports as well as to archive some of my photo collections. It has been an interesting experience designing and developing the site. There is still a lot of work left to do. I have loaded March, April and December 2020 and January, February and March 2021 Daily Covid Reports. A year into this and my typing hasn’t improved. One of the benefits of creating the blog was the opportunity to enter the emails and correct most of the typing errors. There were some doozies.

I have also loaded several trip photo albums and bird and animal collections. There is also a link to my Flickr account. Most of the recent images on Flickr have been included in the Daily Covid Reports. But Flickr dates back to 2011 so there is a lot more on that site. You can search it by albums or just follow the photostream. I have 1391 images on that site.

So here are the links.


There is a and .net , so be sure to get the right one.

I will continue with my daily emails as well. But if you want off the list, let me know. You will still be able to find my reports on the Daily Covid Report Blog.

Stay well !


March 20


March 17