January 13
I drove home from Calgary the long way on Tuesday. I traveled east of Calgary, up through central Alberta and back to Edmonton. I was on the road 9 hours and covered over 500 km. The direct route is about 300 km.
I got lucky on the second try with this owl. I first saw it on a busy highway near a pull-off. However it flew away when I pulled over. It landed further down the road and I decided not to pursue it. I drove away but 5 minutes later I decided I would try again. I circled back and it had moved to a side road. I drove by it so the wind and the sun were at my back. I pulled over quite aways back and got out of my truck. It stayed perched on the power pole for a couple of minutes and then it launched into the air and flew towards me.
I am glad I went back as I only saw three Snowy Owls all day. I also saw over 50 mule deer, 2 moose, 3 coyotes and a porcupine.
Stay Well !